FebFast: Walking (not stumbling) across the finish line

It’s finally March. FebFast is complete. I did it!

FebFast: I did it!

Thanks everyone who supported me. And I hope some of you will consider giving it a go for yourselves next year.

I’ve put together some answers to some FebFast FAQs, which I’m just gonna put here for anyone who’s interested.

1. Was giving up alcohol such a big deal for you?

Yes and no.

Yes because I’ve never consciously gone without alcohol before. I’m also not all that good at following the rules of total abstinence, hence why I suck at dieting! And I love to drink. I love the flavour of alcohol. Drinking a good gin martini is as ceremonious and relaxing for me as a pot of herbal tea.

No because I don’t drink that much anyway. None of my friends are heavy drinkers and, in any case, I don’t feel all that pressured to indulge in social situations.

2. So, why bother?

First and foremost, because it’s for a good cause. The money I raised through FebFast goes to YSAS to help support vulnerable families and young people tackling serious alcohol and drug issues.

I also liked the thought of using February to detox after the silly season.

And I wanted to support a work colleague who was doing it. Having someone to do it with has been wonderful.

3. Do you feel healthier?

Honestly, not really. Perhaps my skin is a bit clearer. And I have been sleeping well. But I haven’t transformed into some incredible fitness fanatic or super-synapsed girl genius, much to my disappointment.


4. So, what did you get out of it?

I think what I’ve gotten out of it is a more thoughtful approach to drinking. I realised how often I drink for no real reason, without considering the non-alcoholic alternatives. While this may not be a problem for me at this point in my life, I think it’s good to be aware of the devastating impacts alcohol has on some individuals, families and communities. No one is immune.

4. When will you start drinking again?

A few people suggested I stay up until midnight and raid the liquor cabinet!

I didn’t.

But I will enjoy a nice glass of red with dinner tonight.

Memory like a fish